July 17, 2024

Spotlight on green energy: How to attract top engineers for the energy industry

This article deals with dedicated strategies to attract and retain engineers in the field of green energy.
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We live in exciting times. Almost every day we hear about exciting breakthroughs and discoveries in the green energy sector of the energy industry. One of the most important breakthroughs in 2024 is the development of a new method to produce hydrogen using solar energy and agricultural waste. Researchers have successfully combined manganese with iridium to improve the efficiency and sustainability of hydrogen production. This method not only reduces costs, but also minimises the impact on the environment and makes green hydrogen a viable alternative to fossil fuels.

And then, a team from Stanford has discovered the "liquid battery" – "We are developing a new strategy for selective conversion and long-term storage of electrical energy in liquid fuels. This means an electricity storage system that produces no carbon emissions (as is the case with conventional batteries).

The growing demand for green engineers

Möglich machen das die Ingenieurinnen und Ingenieure dieser Welt. Und die sind begehrt. Die Nachfrage nach qualifizierten Fachkräften im Bereich der erneuerbaren Energien steigt, angetrieben durch die weltweiten Bemühungen, den Klimawandel zu bekämpfen und von fossilen Brennstoffen wegzukommen. Der Sektor der erneuerbaren Energien hat einen erheblichen Anstieg der Arbeitsplätze zu verzeichnen: Aktuell arbeiten weltweit 12,7 Millionen Menschen im Bereich der erneuerbaren Energien, und diese Zahl wird in den kommenden Jahren voraussichtlich noch deutlich steigen. Dieser Artikel befasst sich mit dedizierten Strategien, um Ingenieur:innen in diesem dynamischen und sich schnell entwickelnden Bereich anzuziehen und zu halten.

Key strategies for recruiting top engineers

To begin with, let's briefly clarify the evergreens that you already know: Compensation and flexibility. Of course, the salary offer must be competitive within the industry. Performance bonuses and possibly share options increase commitment. As we have also noticed recently, flexibility is just as important or even more important than salary, especially in technical professions. Remote or hybrid work makes this possible, among other things. This is because the pandemic has triggered a change in perspective for many people – in other words, a reprioritisation of the things that are important to them. And that's what you need to focus on as an organisation: Things that are important to engineers. Let's dive into this world now.

1. Your mission and your company's impact

Engineers are often driven by a sense of purpose and a desire to make a difference. Emphasise your company's commitment to sustainability and its role in the global energy transition. Highlight successful projects and innovations that are helping to reduce carbon footprints and advance clean energy technologies.

2. Technological advances and R&D opportunities 

Top talent is often attracted to companies that invest heavily in research and development. Showcase your company's commitment to the research and development of renewable energy technologies. If possible, highlight opportunities for engineers to work on groundbreaking projects such as next-generation solar cells, advanced energy storage systems and smart grid technologies. 

3. A clear vision and roadmap for the future

Strategic vision: Engineers want to work for companies that have a clear vision and strategy for the future. Promote your company's long-term goals, such as achieving net zero emissions, expanding renewable energy capacity and innovating in the field of sustainable technologies. It is also extremely important to emphasise the role engineers play in achieving these goals and how their contributions contribute to them – the emphasis here is meaningfulness. If you continue to emphasise how your employees' work and participation in innovative projects will future-proof their careers, working with your company will be even more attractive.

4. Innovative recruitment techniques

Playful recruitment methods such as hackathons and competitions always have their appeal. Organise hackathons and competitions that focus on solving real-world energy problems. Use these events to identify and recruit talent that demonstrates exceptional problem-solving skills and creativity. Such events also have the highest likelihood of going viral. Therefore, promote them through industry networks, universities and social media to generate the highest media impact.

5. Opportunities for international experiences

Where possible, let engineers work on international projects or with international teams. People often appreciate the opportunity to gain diverse experience and understand different markets. Larger companies might offer options for international assignments or rotations to different locations. 

6. A culture of sustainability and innovation

This culture applies to all technical and scientific professions. To this end, provide information about your company's sustainability initiatives and how engineers can contribute to these efforts. This could include projects that focus on renewable energy, energy efficiency and reducing the carbon footprint. You can also involve engineers in sustainability committees and give them the opportunity to carry out initiatives according to their interests.

7. Long-term stability and growth of the sector

People value job stability and career growth opportunities. Emphasise the long-term growth and stability of the green energy sector. Point out market trends, government policies and global commitments that support the continued expansion of renewable energy. Also emphasise the expected increase in demand for green energy and the role that engineers will play in this "mission". Meaningfulness plays a big role in today's world – and not just for Gen Z.

8. Innovation Hubs

Connect your organisation with regional (or even international) innovation centres. Or become an innovation hub yourself – set up centres or rooms in your company where engineers can experiment with new ideas and technologies. These centres can act as incubators for innovative solutions that can be implemented on a larger scale and company-wide. And you can also link these centres regionally, nationally or internationally.


Recruiting talent for the green energy industry requires a multi-faceted approach. It's about innovation, career development, technological advancements and a strong commitment to sustainability – and ensuring that these are prioritised. Implementing these strategies strongly supports companies in attracting and retaining the best green engineers to drive the energy transition.

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