Professional & Expert Search

We find your professionals and experts in the field of Industry 4.0.

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Personnel Consulting for Professional & Expert Search


Our recruiting team, which specializes in the respective subject area, begins every professional and expert search with a detailed briefing. We ensure we understand a company's business model, their unique selling points and their growth strategy. We also go into great detail to uncover the exact type of person needed: What is the culture like in the company? How does someone have to be in order to be effective in the organization? What professional and personal requirements are there? What goals should be achieved in the first 6, 9 or 12 months?

Multi-channel search

In the next step, we can only find the right candidates with our partially automated multi-channel search if we have understood exactly who is being sought. Our digital search approach enables us to find a large number of people who are suitable for the position.

1 on 1 Conversations

Then it becomes very personal again: in two conversations we find out whether someone is the right fit for the open position. We then only introduce our customers to the people who really fit perfectly, so that the search and selection process for the company can be kept as short and efficient as possible.



Preliminary analysis of salary structure, potential candidate pool, the probability of filling the position, including location, personnel and budget responsibility...

Kick Off

We ensure an optimal profile definition along a w briefing guideline…


Our data-driven search process allows us to identify the most qualified candidates and...


Customized two-step interview process for potential candidates (evaluation of suitability & competence)...


After an average of 25 days we are able to present the first candidates...


On average, only 4 candidate introductions are necessary for a successful placement.

What our partners have to say

John Doe
Andrea Nitschmann
HR Business Partner at Adolf Würth GmbH & Co. KG

The recruiters at BENOMIK support and accompany us throughout the entire recruiting process very competently, quickly and professionally. The presentation and quality of the profiles as well as the regular jour fixe appointments enable an efficient candidate selection. However, not only professionally, but also in terms of our corporate culture, BENOMIK succeeds in generating perfect matches.

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Vanessa Heine
Senior Business Development Manager

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