February 4, 2025

Green Recruiting – Decarbonise and attract talent

CO₂ balance in recruiting: Effective strategies to reduce the environmental impact of hiring processes and recruit in a more climate-friendly way.
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Reducing CO2 emissions is an important issue for companies and not only because of ESG guidelines. Sustainability has now become a deciding factor for talented employees. According to a recent Stepstone study, 68% of respondents consider sustainability to be a central factor when choosing an employer, and 53% see it as having a direct influence on their job satisfaction.

The Stepstone study also shows that older employees place just as much value on climate-friendly employers as young employees. Sustainability is an important criterion for all generations when looking for a job. More and more companies are recognising not only the importance of a sustainable corporate culture, but also the increased relevance of ‘green recruiting’.

In its 2022 report ‘Sustainability as a Booster for Employer Branding’, Mercedes-Benz Consulting also found that sustainability has a fundamental influence on employer attractiveness. An authentic commitment to sustainable practices in HR not only strengthens employer branding, but also contributes to long-term business development by attracting and retaining qualified professionals.

In this article, we look at how sustainable recruitment practices reduce your environmental impact and boost your employer branding.

(Abb. 1: Zahlen & Fakten HR Nachhaltigkeit, Mercedes-Benz Consulting)

Green Recruiting: What it means and why it is important

In recent years, sustainability has developed from being a nice-to-have to a business-critical factor. Companies that take ecological responsibility are becoming more attractive to both customers and potential employees. But what exactly does green recruiting mean, and why is it so important for the future of the world of work?

Green recruiting encompasses all measures that aim to minimise the ecological footprint of recruitment processes. These include digital application processes, paperless communication and relationships with sustainably produced and/or regional foods. The idea behind it is simple: those who care about the environment also show responsibility for people. This connection attracts talent that identifies with sustainable values. A good example of this is the changeover to remote interviews in many companies. That is because the CO2 factor is highest in the area of mobility.

Studies show that sustainable companies are perceived as more innovative. According to Mercedes-Benz Consulting, sustainability plays a key role in modern employer branding. Companies that consistently implement green recruiting credibly demonstrate that they are future-oriented. This approach builds trust and strengthens the long-term retention of talent.

Green recruiting is becoming more and more necessary in the wake of the youngest generation of employees – Gen Z. They expect companies not only to maximise profits, but also to make positive contributions to society. As mentioned at the beginning, 63% of respondents consider it important that potential employers act sustainably. These expectations are shaping the labour market and forcing companies to rethink their processes.

As the saying goes, ‘He who stops getting better has stopped being good.’ Companies that embrace this principle will benefit from green recruiting in the long term – through savings, innovations and, in particular, stronger ties with their employees – employee retention is a rare commodity these days.

(Fig. 2: Sustainability measures → image text machine-translated, Mercedes-Benz Consulting)

Measures to reduce CO2 emissions in recruiting

Various measures that can help reduce CO2 emissions in recruiting are presented below.

Digital application processes

Digital tools in the application process offer the greatest opportunity to reduce CO2.

  • Video interviews: Instead of having candidates travel to in-person interviews, companies should rely on video interviews. These drastically reduce travel emissions.
  • Paperless applications: This should have become standard practice by now – by implementing online application platforms, the use of paper is reduced to a minimum. Electronic applications are more sustainable and also make it easier to manage and analyse applicant data.
  • Cloud-based application management systems: By using cloud-based systems, companies can digitise work processes and thus eliminate the need for paper-based processes.

Using green energy

Of course, digitalisation is also a cause of CO2 emissions. That is why the use of renewable energies is an important aspect for sustainable companies and also influences recruiting.

  • Energy-efficient IT infrastructure: The operation of servers and application management systems (ATS) can be switched to providers that run their data centres on green energy.
  • Sustainable event locations: If in-person recruiting events are unavoidable, they should be held at locations where there are many applicants, such as campus job fairs.
  • Electrification of the company fleet: If company cars are used for recruiting activities, electric vehicles should be preferred.

Sustainable corporate culture

Sustainability requires leadership. A lack of leadership in this area is one of the internal problems. Companies that openly embrace sustainability also attract more talent. This requires clear and authentic communication of their values.

  • Actively communicate sustainability: According to the StepStone study, more than two-thirds of employees find it difficult to assess a company's sustainability practices. HR managers should therefore present sustainable initiatives through all available channels – be it through posts on social media, on the company website or in job ads.
  • HR as a role model: HR departments can establish a sustainable mindset throughout the company through targeted programmes and training. Employees must be able to not only understand what the company is doing, but also how they themselves can contribute.
  • Support climate protection projects: Participation in or financial support for climate protection initiatives sends a signal of the company's commitment to sustainability.

Environmentally friendly benefits

Sustainable additional services signal a strong commitment of the company to green values.

  • Support climate-friendly mobility: Subsidies for public transport, bicycle leasing or car sharing programmes can reduce employee emissions.
  • Green everyday working life: Green initiatives in the workplace, such as energy-efficient lighting, environmentally friendly office furniture/office equipment (produced in a way that conserves resources and is durable) and the provision of regional and organic food, contribute to a holistic approach to sustainability.
(Fig. 3: Sustainability measures → image text machine-translated, Mercedes-Benz Consulting)

Boost employer branding through sustainability

Sustainability is a strong signal of values, authenticity and foresight. Since it is not only young talent that is increasingly looking for meaning in their work, green recruiting can tip the scales in your favour. How can sustainability be used to strengthen your employer brand?

Studies show that 75% of employees prefer companies that take responsibility for the environment and society. This is where green recruiting comes in: companies can make their values visible through transparent communication and concrete measures. One example is the integration of sustainable content into career pages. Showing applicants how climate neutrality is lived in everyday life is something that will be remembered.

In this context, Stepstone has also launched the ‘Sustainability Box’ – this offers space for sustainability information in Stepstone job ads: ‘The Sustainability Box offers employers space in the profile of their job ads to focus on climate protection activities or social engagement, thus becoming even more transparent and attractive for job seekers.’

But employer branding doesn't start with external presentation. Authenticity is the key. A company that promotes sustainability externally but does not live it internally will quickly be exposed. Mercedes-Benz Consulting warns of the consequences of greenwashing: ‘Credibility is the engine of sustainable success.’ It is not enough to use sustainability as a marketing strategy – it must be part of the corporate culture. Be assured: candidates scrutinise companies' statements.

Practical measures can help strengthen the message. For example, companies can offer employees the opportunity to get involved in sustainability projects. Such initiatives not only promote a sense of community, but also have an external impact. These measures create tangible results and show potential talent that the company is taking responsibility.

The reward? Stronger ties with existing employees and a high impact on potential applicants. As a post on StepStone summarises: ‘Sustainability is more than just a plus point – it's an attitude that inspires talent.’ This enthusiasm can make all the difference when it comes to attracting the best minds. 

Sustainability as part of a long-term recruitment strategy

Sustainability in recruiting is a strategic decision that offers long-term advantages. It not only strengthens a company's ecological responsibility, but also has a direct effect on its innovative strength, efficiency and attractiveness as an employer. But how can sustainability be permanently integrated into the recruiting strategy?

The first step is to clearly anchor sustainability goals in the corporate strategy. Companies should ask themselves: How do our recruiting measures fit with our general sustainability goals? It is important to make these goals measurable. For example, companies can measure the CO2 emissions per application and set annual reduction targets. These data create transparency and help to evaluate success. 

Another key point is training HR teams. HR departments are often the first point of contact for potential employees. They should not only represent the company's values, but also have a deep understanding of sustainable practices. As StepStone points out, well-informed HR teams are crucial for the successful implementation of green recruiting.

Long-term partnerships with sustainable providers are also a sensible measure. Working with like-minded partners increases the impact of one's own measures. Companies like Mercedes-Benz Consulting show how sustainability can be scaled through partnerships: ‘Collaboration is the key to sustainable success.’

Finally, sustainability must be continuously developed. Technologies and social expectations change, and companies should react flexibly to these changes. The introduction of AI-supported tools for process optimisation or the increased use of renewable energies are just a few examples. The focus should be on establishing sustainability as an integral part of the corporate culture.

Sustainability in the recruitment strategy is a process that requires commitment and foresight. Yet the advantages are clear: a smaller environmental footprint, a strong employer brand and motivated employees in the long term.

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